Saturday, May 21, 2011

Military Salute: An album for my husband

This album was made for my husband several years ago as he prepared for his 2 weeks of Annual Training.  He is in the Missouri National Guard 135th Army Band, based out of Springfield, MO.

I always try to do something for him when he has to go away for his training.  So this year was this album!  I used a military theme to decorate the front and as a color scheme for the inside pages.  The cover is chipboard covered in scrapbook paper, hole punched and tied with twine.  The inside pages is scrapbooking cardstock cut slightly smaller than the cover.
I feel it is VERY important for my husband to know that I support his decision to continue in his guard unit.  So this is one small way I can do that while also giving him a glimpse of home while he is away.
A couple's page; what I love about him. . .

A page about family. . .

A page about our daughters!

Another one of photos of us... before & after kids!

A personal pocket to hold my wishes for him
and a page with my thoughts!

Other years I have put messages in envelopes labeled for each day of the week, made a mini file folder album with questions and quotes (pictured the post on Couple's Almanac: How To), used date tabbed dividers for an album and more!  I'll share some of those on a later post.

Supporting your spouse, whatever they are involved in, is a critical component of a successful marriage.  We are to lift our spouses up which allows them to feel good about themselves.  If we don't support our spouse it creates tension and if left unsettled could lead to your spouse seeking someone who does support them.  One of my BIGGEST goals in my marriage is to compliment my husband in front of others (when he's around or not) and also to NOT talk badly or complain about him with others.  Gal pals can often be heard complaining about things their husbands do or don't do and the same with husbands about their wives.  I have always tried to show respect for my husband to his face and when he is not around.  One of man's most basic needs is to be respected!  This is a close second. . . after sex!

If I focus on the positive things in our marriage and "think on good things" then that will show in my relationship.  I do not nit-pick him for things he does or doesn't do because I wouldn't want him to treat me that way.  It is amazing when I focus on what he does do (which is way more than a lot of husbands-- hopefully not those reading this though) that I can easily overlook things that might otherwise bother me.  We are in a committed relationship for a lifetime; a covenant marriage.  Why spend time being upset with my spouse and cause unnecessary anxiety for myself?  This simple way of thinking is all about losing the view of "it's all about me" and focusing on the relationship Christ has given you.  The relationship is more important, so react in that manner.  If something really does bother you then approach your spouse in the appropriate way.  You certainly don't want to sweep things under the rug, but you also don't need to bring up little things all the time.  We get enough negativity from the world and don't need any more in our homes.

While I always try my best, I do slip up and forget these things.  When I do, I find the need to apologize and then move forward from there.  If this is something new and intriguing to you then I encourage you to give it a try.  When we desire a change, change your own attitude and desires-- that will be reflected in your relationship.  Take baby steps and don't give up!

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